Thank you for your explanation.

I didn't know that k3b wants root privs only once (is that mentioned on 
their website?). I just compiled it, started as user and it asked for root 
password. I got angry and removed k3b immidiatly.

Recompiling now... By the way, when build will end, deb for KDE 3.0.4 for 
sid will be apt-gettable from
deb sid/
Sources in debian format alreaddy are at
deb-src source/

As for cdbakeoven, it wants to mount cdrom to temporary directory, and 
author recommenrs to run cdbakeoven as root to make that possible ...

gcombust and xcdroast from sid seem to work. But they don't have KDE 

> And, of course, you've got to be a member of group cdrom.

What is the Debain way to allow ALL users to use cd recorder?
I won't remember to add all new users to cdrom and floppy groups, so I just 
set device permissions to 666. But sometimes permissions are reset for some 
reason ... Why?

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