A Dijous 03 Abril 2003 10:54, Leopold Palomo Avellaneda va escriure:

after some kind of fight betwend my old box, kde and I have a system working 
now, and I "think" that I understand what happened.

I did a  purge of all kde, and qt as Ralf said in another message.
>> apt-get remove --purge libqt3*
So I began to test what happended.

I did a simple installation with a minimal X, and xdm and I installed scribus 
that for dependency needed libqt-mt.

And boom, I couldn't run scribus. The messages was (I'm sorry, I had to have 
wrotten it) something like this
~~~QFont: cannot set the font size to -1

In that time I had the Xserver configured with two fonts servers:
xft and xftt. The truetype fonts were managed by xftt because I thought that 
it was better, but not. I don't know which are the difference betwend libqt 
3.1.2 and 3.1.1, but with 3.1.1 I didn't have any problem but with the new 
version it was a nightmare.

So, I removed xftt, and configured xfs to manage truetype and all is working..
Well, I have to say that I also suffered the bug about the kdelibs-data with 
the ui/ui_standards.rc. file (and several files more.)

Otherwise, thank's for your help.



> A Dimecres 02 Abril 2003 18:28, Leopold Palomo Avellaneda va escriure:
> Hi,
> yesterday I did a complete reinstall of kde3.1.1 and all was the same. I
> did a remove of libqt3-mt, and all the package that was of kde.
> After have a "clean" system (also a rm -rf /etc/kde3)  I realised that in
> /usr/share/apps there still some files als k3b, ktheme, kio....,
> I deleted all that I could identified as a kde app. So I did a simple
> apt-get install kdm
> that installed the a minimal kde application. I didn't have any error, but
> when kdm tried to run it crased as always.
> So, I begin to understand nothing.
> I looked at the /var/log/kdm and firstly I find a waning that I have in my
> box in the university, but it works:
> Conflict in /usr/lib/qt3/plugins/imageformats/libqjpeg-non-mt.so:
>   Plugin uses single threaded Qt library!
> Conflict in /usr/lib/qt3/plugins/imageformats/libqmng-non-mt.so:
>   Plugin uses single threaded Qt library!
> but the main important thing that I found was:
> KThemeStyle cache seems corrupt!
> after it, the kdm crases.
> Please could someone tell me how to clean this?, becasue I dodn't have
> installed any ktheme package. I have the minimal configuration to install
> kdm.
> Regards,
> Leo

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