----- Original Message -----
From: Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 23:47:00 -0500
To: debian-kde@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: kdelibs compile crashes - dependency on Xinerama_pic

> On Wednesday December 10 2003 8:51 am, John Bro wrote:

> > I have managed to "downgrade" my xlibs, xlibs-dev, xlibs-pic
> > to a non-Knoppix experimental version, fix a few problems
> > left concerning links to libXrender(.la .so etc)
> > and have compiled my kdelibs successfully - v. 4.3.0-pre1v4.

> I'm not sure exactly what you did, 

Let me clarify,
I installed the pre1v4 version of xlibs
(by saying -t experimental) 
while my kdelibs is 4.3.1 and apart from the
continuing crashes of some KDE apps, the system
seems happier -- fewer messages in .xsession-errors,
and the other main logs. But the libpthread-related
crashes continue.

> but as far as I know knoppix uses the 
> old "0ds4" (or somesuch)  Xfree 4.3 debs - you should upgrade *all* of 
> your XFree installation to the version in experimental - 4.3.0-0pre1v4

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