On Sun, Jan 04, 2004 at 12:47:50PM +0100, Dominique Devriese wrote:
> If anyone knows of a way to fix this in the Debian KDE packages, I'd
> be very interested to hear it.  Also, does anyone have any idea how to
> fix the font problems in konsole ( most of the fonts look ugly, the
> "linux" and "unicode" fonts don't work, selecting a custom font brings
> up very few fonts to choose from etc. ), please share it.

For konsole you need to:

1. Setup fontconfig properly (enable bitmap fonts)
2. Install xfonts-konsole
3. Run fc-cache -f
4. Restart KDE

I'm not sure what the "Unicode" font is supposed to do but selecting it
does change my font here. Konsole only can use monospace fonts which
there aren't many of, so you may have to get fonts on your own for the
Custom selection to show many. I have a lot of windows fonts so I see 19
fonts in Konsole's Custom box. Note that I have over 1000 fonts total (about
650 of them are windows fonts), so not very many work with konsole.


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