On Mon, 5 Jan 2004 00:37:39 -0500, Jonathan Nelson wrote (off-list):

>On Monday January 05 2004 12:06 am, Nick Boyce wrote:
>> Oh ... thanks .. really ? ... confused I am now.
>> Anti-aliasing is definitely enabled in Kcontrol - see my screenshot of
>> the relevant part of the Kcontrol dialog :
>>   http://www.glimmer.demon.co.uk/kde/ctlcent-font-spec.png
>> Maybe it's lying to me  :-(
>Well, the font you chose (Helvetica) ...

I didn't choose it - that's how KDE came on a fresh install ...

  [Maybe I missed some HOWTO on setting up anti-aliasing 
  properly - anyone got any pointers ?]

> ... is a bitmapped font, so it can't be 
>Anti-aliased.  You need to choose a scalable font first.  You can find a lot 
>of font packages through `apt-cache search font`.

Aha !  Thanks very much - that's very helpful information.

I guess <sigh> it's time that I get to grips with all this font stuff.

>As mentioned below the vera series is pretty good, or you can install the 
>Microsoft fonts package for some (possibly) more familiar fonts.

I'll try the Vera fonts, and maybe get that Konsole fonts pack as

What's our collective belief about the legality of using the MS fonts
if there is no copy of Windows installed on the system ?  (Which is
how I hope to end up ...)

Much obliged.

Nick Boyce
Bristol, UK

> Money isn't everything, but at least it keeps the kids in touch.

Stenderup's Law: 
The sooner you fall behind, the more time you will have to catch up.

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