On Wednesday 28 June 2006 05:09, Matej Cepl wrote:
> Hi,
> I really do not want to flame (I have been using KDE for many years and I
> do not mean to change anything about that), but can anybody explain why
> KDE has so lousy multi-tasking? Or is it whole Linux? I have noticed it
> for long time, but couple of days I was working on Windows XP and running
> something terribly complicated with Access, it was running completely out
> of its mind, but when I switched to the other window where I had Excel, I
> could work without problems and I have hardly noticed almost dying Access
> on the background. Whenever I run something more complicated in Linux
> (gcc, update of slocate dbase), whole computer goes almost to halt (and
> it is not that bad computer -- Dell Inspiron 2200 notebook w/ Celeron
> 1.4GHz, 512MB RAM). I believe that Linux should have perfect
> multi-everything, but apparently there is some problem with my
> configuration.
> Can anybody kick me in the right direction?

Is anything trying to write/read large amounts of data when this happens? if 
so you might want to:
- check the settings for your harddisk (notably DMA)
- also which filessystem are you using? reiserfs3 has problems locking up
  the system under high load
Cheers, cobaco (aka Bart Cornelis)

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