Patrice Pillot a écrit :
> a écrit :
>> Ana Guerrero wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jun 02, 2009 at 08:22:36AM +0200, Patrice Pillot wrote:
>>>> Since I upgraded my squeeze laptop to KDE4 last week, the remaining KDE3
>>>> applications (e.g. kspread, ...) lost all of the translated strings that
>>>> they took off from /usr/share/locale/XX/LC_MESSAGES/ and
>>>> similar generic kde3 .mo files (, ...) since those file has been
>>>> replaced by kde4 avatars of them. This concerns default menu titles for
>>>> very common menus ("&File", ...)
>>>> TIA for any piece of advice,
>>> install kde-l10n-fr
>> that's going to work for kde4 apps only, for kde3 you have to backport
> I thought about it but what I expect some file conflicts by installing
> old kde-i18n-**. I'm pretty sure cherrypicking through the *.mo file
> should be sufficient, shouldn't it ?

Replying to myself...
I just tried that, putting lenny's
/usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ alongside squeeze's
/usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ and it seems it just works
(et least with kspread which is the application where the localized
dates and number formatting missed me particularly).

If there is no objection from the maintainers on this list I will file a
bug tomorrow against kde-standard - I can't think about a more
appropriate package since kde-l10n-** packages don't have rdepends at
all and I don't feel like filing against each and every of those ;-)


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