Ana Guerrero a écrit :
> On Tue, Jun 02, 2009 at 09:08:30PM +0200, Patrice Pillot wrote:
>> If there is no objection from the maintainers on this list I will file a
>> bug tomorrow against kde-standard - I can't think about a more
>> appropriate package since kde-l10n-** packages don't have rdepends at
>> all and I don't feel like filing against each and every of those ;-)
> File a bug about what?
> You have to choose here kde3's translations or kde4's, kde3 and kde4 have been
> never been co-installable.


As you can see on this page , there are kde3 apps
that are still available not only in squeeze but in sid, too. I wouldn't
mind installing their KDE4 counterpart mind you, they're just not available.

So, I consider it a bug that those applications are distributed with no
l10n due to a packaging problem (as explained in details in my preceding

That doesn't mean I don't understand that the Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers
are reluctant to fix such a packaging problem since eventually all of
those kde3 apps shall be ported or taken out of debian. I have taken
notes on the lack of manpower of the team and I do understand that this
problem is regarded as (very) low-priority (as long as stable is not
concerned and it is only a testing/unstable problem, at least).

This is precisely why I asked for maintainers' advice here. I don't want
to file an unecessary (for me) and cumbersome (for them) bug report
(i.e. a bug that probably only time will fix).

I've read Modestas message now and I think he's just saying that: too
early to decide how to solve the problem. That's OK for me, really.
After observing the debates on the list and elsewhere, I'm now convinced
that the sooner we'll have only kde4 apps in the archive the better, so
that everyone will be in position to fill just 'useful' bugs. RIP KDE3.

Hope this clarify my question.


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