Hi again,

Am So, 1. Juli 2012, 15:39:43 schrieb Kevin Krammer:
> On Sunday, 2012-07-01, chymian wrote:
> > hi everybody,
> > 

it seems to be, as kevin wrote:
> Maybe it is a certain applet that triggers this behavior, e.g. something
> that gets data from a web service?

I found the following appear every 5 min in my .xsession-errors
Failed to get chart. <urlopen error timed out>Updating...
Failed to get chart. <urlopen error timed out>Updating...
Failed to get chart. <urlopen error timed out>Updating...
Failed to get chart. <urlopen error timed out>Updating...
Failed to get chart. <urlopen error timed out>Updating...
Failed to get chart. <urlopen error timed out>Updating...
Failed to get chart. <urlopen error timed out>Updating...
Failed to get chart. <urlopen error timed out>Updating...
Failed to get chart. <urlopen error timed out>Updating...
Failed to get chart. <urlopen error timed out>Updating...
Failed to get chart. <urlopen error timed out>Updating...
Failed to get chart. <urlopen error timed out>Updating...

which could come from my SOHO-plasmoids.
and is EXACT the time, when the desktop freezes for 3 minutes.

BUT: the point here:

>> plasma should definitly NOT freeze on a lost network connection.

or even, if a plasmoid can't update it's content!

> I've never had any problem with dropping network connections, neither WLAN
> nor mobile broadband (where this happens a lot more often, e.g. when on a
> train).

so, what's the difference? 
mine freezes every 5 min because of a couple of plasmoids cannot update it's 
self, even when I have a network-connection.
aka. on a web-server-pbl. they connect to?

> Cheers,
> Kevin


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