On Monday, 2012-07-02, Mirosław Zalewski wrote:

> I have found that brainstorm discussion from few years back:
> http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=90&t=45255
> It seems that rationale was: plasmoid crash causes whole desktop to crash,
> so we should run them in separate processes. But plasmoids don't crash
> that often now, so we do not have to run them in separate processes.

The main decision factor is that at least X11, which is currently the main 
target for Free Software desktop shells, does not offer suitable mechanisms of 
merging multiprozess drawings, especially if the "container" needs to be able 
to manipulate the "child" drawings in some way (e.g. control geometry or 

I don't know enough about Wayland but this might become viable at that point.

> Your case shows that there is still pretty strong reason to run plasmoids
> in separate processes (if only my suppositions are right). You should
> definitely post your findings in KDE forums - either in linked thread, or
> in new thread (which may get more attention).

One thing that is not touched at all by the limitation regarding visualization 
is data processing. Applets are not restricted in any way to either use event 
based asynchronous processing, thread based processing or out-of-process 

> But you should not post a bug report to Debian's BTS - there is really not
> much that Debian's KDE packaging team can do about it.


As I wrote in my other reply, make sure to report the freeze issue against the 
applet causing it, it's developers needs to learn that just like with 
applications networking must not be done in a way that blocks UI.


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