Am Freitag, 22. März 2013 schrieb Lars Schimmer:
> Hi!

Hi Lars,

> We try to use debian wheezy with KDE 4.8.4 and OpenAFS 1.6.2.
> Currently OpenAFS reports on fs base on a "du -h" :
> AFS                                                     8,6G       0
> 8,6G    0% /afs
> as it is a special network filesystem with quota based on each directory
> level.
> Which includes: every directory has a different df value and even if
> /afs/ has only 1 MB free, /afs/
> could have 200 GB free.

Which is then not reflected in df output I bet?
> Now if I try to copy a file >9GB (to be more exact: over the df reported
> by OpenAFS for /afs/) into a subdirectoy with enough quota, KDE copy
> breaks with a disk full error, although enough space is available.
> KDE on squeeze did not have had this error/problem.

Does the error come up immediately, i.e. before it tries to copy anything?

That would hint at the software checking reported free disk space. I have 
never then this with KDE software so far and also for BTRFS the reported 
value does not need to have much to do with reality.

Yeah, this seems to be the case. I just created a 100g file with truncate -s 
100G and on copying it to a BTRFS which really does not have 100g free 
Dolphin says not enough free space, before trying anything (or smartly 
detecting that its a sparse file).

> Which package do we need to report a rc bug against?
> Thank you.

With what software did you copy the file? Dolphin? Then thats either dolphin 
package or some core KDE dependency of it. I am not sure of which. But I bet 
it can be sorted to the right package by someone how knows afterwards as 
well. Otherwise Debian Qt/KDE developer team member may be able to shed more 
light on this.

However I do not think that this qualifies as a RC bug. From what I gathered 
a release critical issue is of severity critical, grave or serious¹. And I 
do not see how this error fits in any of these categories. There is no data 
loss, neither is Dolphin in itself unusable to do that, I see no violation 
in Debian packaging policy and so on. But I may be missing something there.

I think a constructive approach would be to report this upstream at and then also with Debian with link to upstream report.

While I think that a warning is nice in order to spare the user a long time 
copying process that if free space accounting is correct will fail in the 
end anyway, I think its good to have to be able to say "do it anyway". I´d 
also love a warning when copying a >4GB file to a FAT32 filesystem, which can 
not work however free space it has.

Once upstream has some patch it may be included as stable update to Wheezy.

And if thats too slow for you, I´d suggest digging to the source to find this 
size check, disable it and deploy your own package.

I have looked into Dolphin options and did not any obvious way to disable 
those size checks.

Please keep me posted if you open a bug report of some sort.


Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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