On Friday, 2013-03-22, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> Am Freitag, 22. März 2013 schrieb Lars Schimmer:

> > Now if I try to copy a file >9GB (to be more exact: over the df reported
> > by OpenAFS for /afs/) into a subdirectoy with enough quota, KDE copy
> > breaks with a disk full error, although enough space is available.
> > 
> > KDE on squeeze did not have had this error/problem.
> Does the error come up immediately, i.e. before it tries to copy anything?
> That would hint at the software checking reported free disk space. I have
> never then this with KDE software so far and also for BTRFS the reported
> value does not need to have much to do with reality.

How does on check for actually available space on those file systems?
It is always problematic if etablished system interfaces start reporting bogus 
values and are replaced by newer interfaces that report the correct ones 
instead. But if the newer interfaces are pointed out then this could be taken 
care of.

> > Which package do we need to report a rc bug against?
> > Thank you.
> With what software did you copy the file? Dolphin? Then thats either
> dolphin package or some core KDE dependency of it. I am not sure of which.

Try with: kioclient copy source destination
If that works it is something Dolphin does (or one of its libraries), if it 
doesn't then it is something KIO does (libkio, kdelibs).


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