On 30/10/15 01:59 PM, Carlos Kosloff wrote:
I unheld libqt5x11extras5, did a full dist-upgrade, rebooted, lightdm did not work. Edited /etc/X11/default-display-manager and set it to kdm, lightdm started and failed.
Same for sddm.
Somehow some init script is set to lightdm and it will revert to that, no matter what I set as default dm. If default display set to lightdm it starts, but does not fully boot to the desktop. My system is badly borked, I have to resort to startx startkde, no dm will work.
Can somebody help?


I had to remove lightdm then install desktop-kde-task. Removing lightdm caused a few KDE items to be removed, including the desktop task, but reinstalling it fixed everything. KDE is working again.

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