Am 06.06.2016 um 04:51 schrieb Allen James:

> Now, after reboot, Plasma does not start ("Plasma Cannot Start. All shell
> packages missing."), I cannot connect to the internet, there is no krunner, 
> etc,
> basically huge problems. Concerned about this because I had maintained my 
> laptop
> on Debian Testing using KDE for almost 3 years without any major issue. Is 
> there
> a way to restore what I previously had, or is there any advice regarding this?

Blindly running autoremove is not always a good idea. I run it from time
to time but not always. If disk space is a reason for running it, get a
bigger disk instead of damaging the kde ;)

First i would reinstall all autoremoved packages especially the libkf5*
ones and the sddm as mentioned before. A network connection can be
created without kde, because there should always the good old text based
shell to work with.

I am on testing and be very carefull with updating, because I use this
machine for may daily work and business. Damaging because of having the
newest kde packages is here not an option. This means I read this
mailinglist very carefully, especially the mails from martin. In
addition I wait some days or some more to be sure that there is no huge
bug killing the system. For bugreport information by installting I use
apt-listbugs, apt-listchanges. If a bug comes up when the update runs, I
discard the update and read the bugreport, to decide to update or not.

And the last bastion is a full rsync backup for restoring the whole
machine back to the last state before update. This may sound a bit
pedantic and crazy, but I you are on testing, you do never know what
shows up. And for less adrenalin use stable :)

Good luck,


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