On 06/05/2016 08:00 PM, Allen James wrote:
Dear maintainers,

I use Debian Testing. Before today, my previous dist-upgrade was on May 28, at
which points all packages were up to date and KDE 5.4 was running smoothly.
Today (June 5) I again dist-upgrade my laptop and now KDE is very broken.

The following is a list of many of the KDE-related packages upgraded today
(others not related to KDE/Qt/KF5/etc were removed to the best of my ability):

Now, after reboot, Plasma does not start ("Plasma Cannot Start. All shell
packages missing."), I cannot connect to the internet, there is no krunner, etc,
basically huge problems. Concerned about this because I had maintained my laptop
on Debian Testing using KDE for almost 3 years without any major issue. Is there
a way to restore what I previously had, or is there any advice regarding this?
snip <
Thank you.
Allen J

Hi Allen! I don't know how long you've been running testing but for the time being you may find less problems by using both testing and unstable repos, at some point testing will become stable and then you will no longer need the unstable repos, but that is far away. Currently while using both repos, things are looking pretty good. :)
Jimmy Johnson
Plasma-5 - Where's my Quick-Launch?
Registered Linux User #380263

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