Hi Markus,

thanks for your response.

On Saturday 04 February 2017 20:37:54 Markus Raab wrote:
> Hi,
> Rainer Dorsch wrote:
> > it seems that I lost the folder Kmail Folders/outbox (in the Kmail Folder
> > view). I seems I have a message stuck in the outbox and now all messages
> > are queing behind this message, i.e. sending mail with this kmail
> > installation does not work anymore :-(
> > 
> > Akonadi console shows me that I have 14 messages queued in KMail
> > Folders/outbox.
> > 
> > In Akonadi console I still see Kmail Folders/outbox in the Browser.
> > 
> > Any insight how to recover this installation is very welcome.
> I had a similar issue with an out-going mail stucked for a very long time.
> (on a Debian Jessie box) The stucked mail was not shown in the outbox.
> For me, in the options -> configure kmail ("KMail einrichten") -> "Zugänge" 
> -> sending mails ("Versand"), sending mails in the outbox ("Nachrichten im 
> Postausgang senden:") changing to 'always when fetching mails' ("Bei allen 
> Abholvorgängen") at least gets rid of stucked mails when I fetch mails the 
> next time. (The english texts are guessed, I do not want to restart with 
> other locales. Shouldn't be too hard to find.)
> Hope that helps.

I had that option already enabled ("Send messages in outbox folder: On All Mail 

What at the end helped me was the Arch wiki (which is a wonderful source of 


I did not strictly follow, but after backing up the akonadi directories, I 

SystemSettings > Personal 

and deleted the KMail Folder resource, which contained my outbox.

After that I restartarted akonadi and reopened kmail. My outbox was back in 
another resource and I can send mail again.

Kind regards

Rainer Dorsch

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