Il 03/08/20 20:14, Rainer Dorsch ha scritto:

I have for one user on a Debian 10 system an issue which looks like a window
manager crash. I.e. one application (e.g. kmail) is full screen w/o window
decoration. I can start new apps using the (former) K-menu, they also start
immediately fullscreen.  It is particularly likely to happen after a switch

Can anybody advise on how to debug this? Or as a workaround to restart the
window manager. It seems also the keyboard is dead e.g. no input possible into
a console on that session (though swtiching to another VTT is still possible

alt+F2(krunner) is working?

if yes maybe you can try with

$ kquitapp5 plasmashell

$ kstart5 plasmashell

and restart plasma

If it is too hard to debug, is there a good way to reset all KDE configurations
for a user? Is

        mv .kde .kde.old
        mv .local .local.old
        mv .config .config.old


Any ideas on less drastic measures are welcome :-)


Saluti, Luca Pedrielli

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