Am Dienstag, 4. August 2020, 14:50:45 CEST schrieb Rainer Dorsch:
> Am Dienstag, 4. August 2020, 10:30:19 CEST schrieb luca.pedrielli:
> > alt+F2(krunner) is working?
> > 
> > if yes maybe you can try with
> > 
> > $ kquitapp5 plasmashell
> > 
> > $ kstart5 plasmashell
> > 
> > and restart plasma
> Thanks, Luca. But no, alt+F2 does not work :-/

Any idea if I can get plasmashell started on a virtual (text) console? 
Connecting to the X server is probably the difficult part (?)


Rainer Dorsch

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