in-line :-

On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 6:56 AM, Jonathan Nieder <> wrote:
> shirish शिरीष wrote:

> Ok, thanks.  Can you reproduce this with aplay from alsa-utils (pausing
> by suspending with ^Z, resuming with "fg")?  Does mplayer have the same
> problem (press space to pause)?

with aplay I was not able to suspend it with CTL+Z, it seems that
kills but then I'm using guake. So either it is an issue with guake or
an issue with aplay or both, dunno but that's something for another

>> In vlc I have seen the bug manifest all the times whenever I have
>> paused the movie/moving picture and then played again, just no audio.
> I've experienced pause/resume flakiness in vlc before, so hopefully we
> can find a way to reproduce this with another media player.

Aha, it's a pause/resume flakiness in vlc. I tried it with a bunch of
media players and they played, paused and replayed videos without an
issue so definitely can be nailed down to vlc.

So all in all, I guess we can treat this bug as closed.

> Jonathan

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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