Robert Luberda ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) a "po4aisé" tout seul les templates
HTML du paquet smb2www et demande si on peut les lui traduire.

J'ai fait les templates de ce paquet mais j'aimerais bien qu'un autre
traducteur fasse ce morceau là.

Pour celui ou celle qui le fait, merci d'utiliser le fichier joint. Le
fichier final sera à envoyer au bogue 340256

Le message d'origine de Robert:


[This is semi-automated mail send to the all people noted as 
the translators of smb2ww debconf templates.]

Firstly I would like to thank to all of you, who send me updated
translation of smb2www debconf templates two weeks ago. 
Sorry about not including them yet, I got another translation
(Spanish) of main smb2www HTML templates, and I had to change the
debconf templates one another time.

After that I thought it would be nice to have the HTML templates
translated to much more languges, so that smb2www could support them.
As I recently have discovered the po4a tool, I wrote main own parser 
for and converted the templates to po files (and make your work easier).

So now I would like to ask you for translation of the HTML templates. 
I'm attaching them as a smb2www-main.pot. This should be rather
easy task and would not take you too much time.

And I have another favour to ask of you. The second attachment contains
your  translations of debconf templates that has been  changed and
need to be updated.
Note that the languages list has been splitted into separate entries 
(many thanks to Christian Perrier for his advice to do this), but 
I matched translations of the language names with the previos ones. 
That's why some of probably valid translations are marked "fuzzy".
Also, not to bother you again I already added to the list some languages
that may be supported by smb2www, if you send me the translation of
the HTML templates ;)

I would be grateful if you could take the time and translate/update the
files I'm attaching. Please send the files to me, or submit them as 
a wishlist bug against smb2www. You can also make use of the existing
bug #340256 (which I would acctually prefer).

Best Regards,

Attachment: smb2www-main.pot.gz
Description: Binary data

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