Hallo Mitübersetzer,
ich habe kürzlich eine Handbuchseite aus Abschnitt 7 übersetzt.

Es sind insgesamt 62 Zeichenketten, pro Teil ca. 20.

Für konstruktives Korrekturlesen wäre ich sehr dankbar.

Diese Handbuchseite war schwer zu übersetzen, daher holpert es 
an einigen Stellen noch. Auch denke ich, die Schlagwörter wie MT-Safe
in allen Handbuchseiten (und dann auch hier) zu übersetzen, dann
holpern die Sätze hier nicht und auch in den anderen Handbuchseiten
wird es konsequenter deutsch. 

Viele Grüße


P.S. Die Handbuchseite erhalten umfangreiche Kommentare und die Teile
     wirken daher sehr groß, aber die Kommentare können beim Lesen ja
     überblättert werden, der Leser sieht sie ja auch nicht.

      Dr. Helge Kreutzmann                     deb...@helgefjell.de
           Dipl.-Phys.                   http://www.helgefjell.de/debian.php
        64bit GNU powered                     gpg signed mail preferred
           Help keep free software "libre": http://www.ffii.de/
# German translation of manpages
# This file is distributed under the same license as the manpages-l10n package.
# Copyright © of this file:
# Helge Kreutzmann <deb...@helgefjell.de>, 2024.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: manpages-l10n 4.21.0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-02-15 17:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-02-25 07:33+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Helge Kreutzmann <deb...@helgefjell.de>\n"
"Language-Team: German <debian-l10n-german@lists.debian.org>\n"
"Language: de\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"

#. type: TH
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-40 fedora-rawhide
#: mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-15-6 opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "attributes"
msgstr "Attribute"

#. type: TH
#: archlinux debian-unstable fedora-rawhide mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-15-6
#: opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "2023-03-18"
msgstr "18. März 2023"

#. type: TH
#: archlinux debian-unstable fedora-rawhide opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "Linux man-pages 6.05.01"
msgstr "Linux man-pages 6.05.01"

#. type: SH
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-40 fedora-rawhide
#: mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-15-6 opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "NAME"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-40 fedora-rawhide
#: mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-15-6 opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid "attributes - POSIX safety concepts"
msgstr "attributes - POSIX-Sicherheitskonzepte"

#. type: SH
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-40 fedora-rawhide
#: mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-15-6 opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-40 fedora-rawhide
#: mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-15-6 opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"I<Note>: the text of this man page is based on the material taken from the "
"\"POSIX Safety Concepts\" section of the GNU C Library manual.  Further "
"details on the topics described here can be found in that manual."
msgstr ""
"I<Hinweis>: Der Text dieser Handbuchseite basiert auf Material, das dem "
"Abschnitt »POSIX Safety Concepts« des GNU-C-Bibliothekshandbuchs entnommen "
"ist. Weitere Details über die hier beschriebenen Themen können Sie in jenem "
"Handbuch finden."

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-40 fedora-rawhide
#: mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-15-6 opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"Various function manual pages include a section ATTRIBUTES that describes "
"the safety of calling the function in various contexts.  This section "
"annotates functions with the following safety markings:"
msgstr ""
"Verschiedene Funktionshandbuchseiten enthalten einen Abschnitt ATTRIBUTE, "
"der die Sicherheit beim Aufruf der Funktionen in verschiedenen Kontexten "
"beschreibt. Jener Abschnitt kommentiert Funktionen mit den folgenden "

#. type: TP
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-40 fedora-rawhide
#: mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-15-6 opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "I<MT-Safe>"
msgstr "I<MT-Safe>"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-40 fedora-rawhide
#: mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-15-6 opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"I<MT-Safe> or Thread-Safe functions are safe to call in the presence of "
"other threads.  MT, in MT-Safe, stands for Multi Thread."
msgstr ""
"I<MT-Safe> oder Thread-sichere Funktionen können sicher in der Anwesenheit "
"von anderen Threads aufgerufen werden. Das »MT« in »MT-Safe« steht für "
"»Multi Thread«."

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-40 fedora-rawhide
#: mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-15-6 opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"Being MT-Safe does not imply a function is atomic, nor that it uses any of "
"the memory synchronization mechanisms POSIX exposes to users.  It is even "
"possible that calling MT-Safe functions in sequence does not yield an MT-"
"Safe combination.  For example, having a thread call two MT-Safe functions "
"one right after the other does not guarantee behavior equivalent to atomic "
"execution of a combination of both functions, since concurrent calls in "
"other threads may interfere in a destructive way."
msgstr ""
"MT-Safe zu sein bedeutet nicht, dass eine Funktion atomar ist noch dass sie "
"die von POSIX für Benutzer bereitgestellten "
"Speichersynchronisationsmechanismen verwendet. Es ist sogar möglich, dass "
"der Aufruf von MT-Safe-Funktionen nacheinander nicht zu einer MT-Safe-"
"Kombination führt. Ruft ein Thread beispielsweise zwei MT-Safe-Funktionen "
"direkt nacheinander auf, garantiert dies nicht, dass das Verhalten "
"äquivalent zu einem atomaren Aufruf einer Kombination beider Funktionen ist, "
"da nebenläufige Aufrufe in anderen Threads destruktiv beeinflussen können."

#. #-#-#-#-#  archlinux: attributes.7.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#.  .TP
#.  .I AS-Safe
#.  .I AS-Safe
#.  or Async-Signal-Safe functions are safe to call from
#.  asynchronous signal handlers.
#.  AS, in AS-Safe, stands for Asynchronous Signal.
#.  Many functions that are AS-Safe may set
#.  .IR errno ,
#.  or modify the floating-point environment,
#.  because their doing so does not make them
#.  unsuitable for use in signal handlers.
#.  However, programs could misbehave should asynchronous signal handlers
#.  modify this thread-local state,
#.  and the signal handling machinery cannot be counted on to
#.  preserve it.
#.  Therefore, signal handlers that call functions that may set
#.  .I errno
#.  or modify the floating-point environment
#.  .I must
#.  save their original values, and restore them before returning.
#.  .TP
#.  .I AC-Safe
#.  .I AC-Safe
#.  or Async-Cancel-Safe functions are safe to call when
#.  asynchronous cancelation is enabled.
#.  AC in AC-Safe stands for Asynchronous Cancelation.
#.  The POSIX standard defines only three functions to be AC-Safe, namely
#.  .BR pthread_cancel (3),
#.  .BR pthread_setcancelstate (3),
#.  and
#.  .BR pthread_setcanceltype (3).
#.  At present the GNU C Library provides no
#.  guarantees beyond these three functions,
#.  but does document which functions are presently AC-Safe.
#.  This documentation is provided for use
#.  by the GNU C Library developers.
#.  Just like signal handlers, cancelation cleanup routines must configure
#.  the floating point environment they require.
#.  The routines cannot assume a floating point environment,
#.  particularly when asynchronous cancelation is enabled.
#.  If the configuration of the floating point
#.  environment cannot be performed atomically then it is also possible that
#.  the environment encountered is internally inconsistent.
#. type: Plain text
#. #-#-#-#-#  debian-bookworm: attributes.7.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#.  .TP
#.  .I AS-Safe
#.  .I AS-Safe
#.  or Async-Signal-Safe functions are safe to call from
#.  asynchronous signal handlers.
#.  AS, in AS-Safe, stands for Asynchronous Signal.
#.  Many functions that are AS-Safe may set
#.  .IR errno ,
#.  or modify the floating-point environment,
#.  because their doing so does not make them
#.  unsuitable for use in signal handlers.
#.  However, programs could misbehave should asynchronous signal handlers
#.  modify this thread-local state,
#.  and the signal handling machinery cannot be counted on to
#.  preserve it.
#.  Therefore, signal handlers that call functions that may set
#.  .I errno
#.  or modify the floating-point environment
#.  .I must
#.  save their original values, and restore them before returning.
#.  .TP
#.  .I AC-Safe
#.  .I AC-Safe
#.  or Async-Cancel-Safe functions are safe to call when
#.  asynchronous cancelation is enabled.
#.  AC in AC-Safe stands for Asynchronous Cancellation.
#.  The POSIX standard defines only three functions to be AC-Safe, namely
#.  .BR pthread_cancel (3),
#.  .BR pthread_setcancelstate (3),
#.  and
#.  .BR pthread_setcanceltype (3).
#.  At present the GNU C Library provides no
#.  guarantees beyond these three functions,
#.  but does document which functions are presently AC-Safe.
#.  This documentation is provided for use
#.  by the GNU C Library developers.
#.  Just like signal handlers, cancelation cleanup routines must configure
#.  the floating point environment they require.
#.  The routines cannot assume a floating point environment,
#.  particularly when asynchronous cancelation is enabled.
#.  If the configuration of the floating point
#.  environment cannot be performed atomically then it is also possible that
#.  the environment encountered is internally inconsistent.
#. type: Plain text
#. #-#-#-#-#  debian-unstable: attributes.7.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#.  .TP
#.  .I AS-Safe
#.  .I AS-Safe
#.  or Async-Signal-Safe functions are safe to call from
#.  asynchronous signal handlers.
#.  AS, in AS-Safe, stands for Asynchronous Signal.
#.  Many functions that are AS-Safe may set
#.  .IR errno ,
#.  or modify the floating-point environment,
#.  because their doing so does not make them
#.  unsuitable for use in signal handlers.
#.  However, programs could misbehave should asynchronous signal handlers
#.  modify this thread-local state,
#.  and the signal handling machinery cannot be counted on to
#.  preserve it.
#.  Therefore, signal handlers that call functions that may set
#.  .I errno
#.  or modify the floating-point environment
#.  .I must
#.  save their original values, and restore them before returning.
#.  .TP
#.  .I AC-Safe
#.  .I AC-Safe
#.  or Async-Cancel-Safe functions are safe to call when
#.  asynchronous cancelation is enabled.
#.  AC in AC-Safe stands for Asynchronous Cancelation.
#.  The POSIX standard defines only three functions to be AC-Safe, namely
#.  .BR pthread_cancel (3),
#.  .BR pthread_setcancelstate (3),
#.  and
#.  .BR pthread_setcanceltype (3).
#.  At present the GNU C Library provides no
#.  guarantees beyond these three functions,
#.  but does document which functions are presently AC-Safe.
#.  This documentation is provided for use
#.  by the GNU C Library developers.
#.  Just like signal handlers, cancelation cleanup routines must configure
#.  the floating point environment they require.
#.  The routines cannot assume a floating point environment,
#.  particularly when asynchronous cancelation is enabled.
#.  If the configuration of the floating point
#.  environment cannot be performed atomically then it is also possible that
#.  the environment encountered is internally inconsistent.
#. type: Plain text
#. #-#-#-#-#  fedora-40: attributes.7.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#.  .TP
#.  .I AS-Safe
#.  .I AS-Safe
#.  or Async-Signal-Safe functions are safe to call from
#.  asynchronous signal handlers.
#.  AS, in AS-Safe, stands for Asynchronous Signal.
#.  Many functions that are AS-Safe may set
#.  .IR errno ,
#.  or modify the floating-point environment,
#.  because their doing so does not make them
#.  unsuitable for use in signal handlers.
#.  However, programs could misbehave should asynchronous signal handlers
#.  modify this thread-local state,
#.  and the signal handling machinery cannot be counted on to
#.  preserve it.
#.  Therefore, signal handlers that call functions that may set
#.  .I errno
#.  or modify the floating-point environment
#.  .I must
#.  save their original values, and restore them before returning.
#.  .TP
#.  .I AC-Safe
#.  .I AC-Safe
#.  or Async-Cancel-Safe functions are safe to call when
#.  asynchronous cancelation is enabled.
#.  AC in AC-Safe stands for Asynchronous Cancelation.
#.  The POSIX standard defines only three functions to be AC-Safe, namely
#.  .BR pthread_cancel (3),
#.  .BR pthread_setcancelstate (3),
#.  and
#.  .BR pthread_setcanceltype (3).
#.  At present the GNU C Library provides no
#.  guarantees beyond these three functions,
#.  but does document which functions are presently AC-Safe.
#.  This documentation is provided for use
#.  by the GNU C Library developers.
#.  Just like signal handlers, cancelation cleanup routines must configure
#.  the floating point environment they require.
#.  The routines cannot assume a floating point environment,
#.  particularly when asynchronous cancelation is enabled.
#.  If the configuration of the floating point
#.  environment cannot be performed atomically then it is also possible that
#.  the environment encountered is internally inconsistent.
#. type: Plain text
#. #-#-#-#-#  fedora-rawhide: attributes.7.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#.  .TP
#.  .I AS-Safe
#.  .I AS-Safe
#.  or Async-Signal-Safe functions are safe to call from
#.  asynchronous signal handlers.
#.  AS, in AS-Safe, stands for Asynchronous Signal.
#.  Many functions that are AS-Safe may set
#.  .IR errno ,
#.  or modify the floating-point environment,
#.  because their doing so does not make them
#.  unsuitable for use in signal handlers.
#.  However, programs could misbehave should asynchronous signal handlers
#.  modify this thread-local state,
#.  and the signal handling machinery cannot be counted on to
#.  preserve it.
#.  Therefore, signal handlers that call functions that may set
#.  .I errno
#.  or modify the floating-point environment
#.  .I must
#.  save their original values, and restore them before returning.
#.  .TP
#.  .I AC-Safe
#.  .I AC-Safe
#.  or Async-Cancel-Safe functions are safe to call when
#.  asynchronous cancelation is enabled.
#.  AC in AC-Safe stands for Asynchronous Cancelation.
#.  The POSIX standard defines only three functions to be AC-Safe, namely
#.  .BR pthread_cancel (3),
#.  .BR pthread_setcancelstate (3),
#.  and
#.  .BR pthread_setcanceltype (3).
#.  At present the GNU C Library provides no
#.  guarantees beyond these three functions,
#.  but does document which functions are presently AC-Safe.
#.  This documentation is provided for use
#.  by the GNU C Library developers.
#.  Just like signal handlers, cancelation cleanup routines must configure
#.  the floating point environment they require.
#.  The routines cannot assume a floating point environment,
#.  particularly when asynchronous cancelation is enabled.
#.  If the configuration of the floating point
#.  environment cannot be performed atomically then it is also possible that
#.  the environment encountered is internally inconsistent.
#. type: Plain text
#. #-#-#-#-#  mageia-cauldron: attributes.7.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#.  .TP
#.  .I AS-Safe
#.  .I AS-Safe
#.  or Async-Signal-Safe functions are safe to call from
#.  asynchronous signal handlers.
#.  AS, in AS-Safe, stands for Asynchronous Signal.
#.  Many functions that are AS-Safe may set
#.  .IR errno ,
#.  or modify the floating-point environment,
#.  because their doing so does not make them
#.  unsuitable for use in signal handlers.
#.  However, programs could misbehave should asynchronous signal handlers
#.  modify this thread-local state,
#.  and the signal handling machinery cannot be counted on to
#.  preserve it.
#.  Therefore, signal handlers that call functions that may set
#.  .I errno
#.  or modify the floating-point environment
#.  .I must
#.  save their original values, and restore them before returning.
#.  .TP
#.  .I AC-Safe
#.  .I AC-Safe
#.  or Async-Cancel-Safe functions are safe to call when
#.  asynchronous cancelation is enabled.
#.  AC in AC-Safe stands for Asynchronous Cancelation.
#.  The POSIX standard defines only three functions to be AC-Safe, namely
#.  .BR pthread_cancel (3),
#.  .BR pthread_setcancelstate (3),
#.  and
#.  .BR pthread_setcanceltype (3).
#.  At present the GNU C Library provides no
#.  guarantees beyond these three functions,
#.  but does document which functions are presently AC-Safe.
#.  This documentation is provided for use
#.  by the GNU C Library developers.
#.  Just like signal handlers, cancelation cleanup routines must configure
#.  the floating point environment they require.
#.  The routines cannot assume a floating point environment,
#.  particularly when asynchronous cancelation is enabled.
#.  If the configuration of the floating point
#.  environment cannot be performed atomically then it is also possible that
#.  the environment encountered is internally inconsistent.
#. type: Plain text
#. #-#-#-#-#  opensuse-leap-15-6: attributes.7.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#.  .TP
#.  .I AS-Safe
#.  .I AS-Safe
#.  or Async-Signal-Safe functions are safe to call from
#.  asynchronous signal handlers.
#.  AS, in AS-Safe, stands for Asynchronous Signal.
#.  Many functions that are AS-Safe may set
#.  .IR errno ,
#.  or modify the floating-point environment,
#.  because their doing so does not make them
#.  unsuitable for use in signal handlers.
#.  However, programs could misbehave should asynchronous signal handlers
#.  modify this thread-local state,
#.  and the signal handling machinery cannot be counted on to
#.  preserve it.
#.  Therefore, signal handlers that call functions that may set
#.  .I errno
#.  or modify the floating-point environment
#.  .I must
#.  save their original values, and restore them before returning.
#.  .TP
#.  .I AC-Safe
#.  .I AC-Safe
#.  or Async-Cancel-Safe functions are safe to call when
#.  asynchronous cancelation is enabled.
#.  AC in AC-Safe stands for Asynchronous Cancelation.
#.  The POSIX standard defines only three functions to be AC-Safe, namely
#.  .BR pthread_cancel (3),
#.  .BR pthread_setcancelstate (3),
#.  and
#.  .BR pthread_setcanceltype (3).
#.  At present the GNU C Library provides no
#.  guarantees beyond these three functions,
#.  but does document which functions are presently AC-Safe.
#.  This documentation is provided for use
#.  by the GNU C Library developers.
#.  Just like signal handlers, cancelation cleanup routines must configure
#.  the floating point environment they require.
#.  The routines cannot assume a floating point environment,
#.  particularly when asynchronous cancelation is enabled.
#.  If the configuration of the floating point
#.  environment cannot be performed atomically then it is also possible that
#.  the environment encountered is internally inconsistent.
#. type: Plain text
#. #-#-#-#-#  opensuse-tumbleweed: attributes.7.pot (PACKAGE VERSION)  #-#-#-#-#
#.  .TP
#.  .I AS-Safe
#.  .I AS-Safe
#.  or Async-Signal-Safe functions are safe to call from
#.  asynchronous signal handlers.
#.  AS, in AS-Safe, stands for Asynchronous Signal.
#.  Many functions that are AS-Safe may set
#.  .IR errno ,
#.  or modify the floating-point environment,
#.  because their doing so does not make them
#.  unsuitable for use in signal handlers.
#.  However, programs could misbehave should asynchronous signal handlers
#.  modify this thread-local state,
#.  and the signal handling machinery cannot be counted on to
#.  preserve it.
#.  Therefore, signal handlers that call functions that may set
#.  .I errno
#.  or modify the floating-point environment
#.  .I must
#.  save their original values, and restore them before returning.
#.  .TP
#.  .I AC-Safe
#.  .I AC-Safe
#.  or Async-Cancel-Safe functions are safe to call when
#.  asynchronous cancelation is enabled.
#.  AC in AC-Safe stands for Asynchronous Cancelation.
#.  The POSIX standard defines only three functions to be AC-Safe, namely
#.  .BR pthread_cancel (3),
#.  .BR pthread_setcancelstate (3),
#.  and
#.  .BR pthread_setcanceltype (3).
#.  At present the GNU C Library provides no
#.  guarantees beyond these three functions,
#.  but does document which functions are presently AC-Safe.
#.  This documentation is provided for use
#.  by the GNU C Library developers.
#.  Just like signal handlers, cancelation cleanup routines must configure
#.  the floating point environment they require.
#.  The routines cannot assume a floating point environment,
#.  particularly when asynchronous cancelation is enabled.
#.  If the configuration of the floating point
#.  environment cannot be performed atomically then it is also possible that
#.  the environment encountered is internally inconsistent.
#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-40 fedora-rawhide
#: mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-15-6 opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"Whole-program optimizations that could inline functions across library "
"interfaces may expose unsafe reordering, and so performing inlining across "
"the GNU C Library interface is not recommended.  The documented MT-Safety "
"status is not guaranteed under whole-program optimization.  However, "
"functions defined in user-visible headers are designed to be safe for "
msgstr ""
"Gesamtprogramm-Optimierungen, die über Bibliotheksgrenzen hinweg Inline-"
"Ersetzungen vornehmen, könnten unsichere Umordnungen offenlegen. Daher wird "
"empfohlen, keine Inline-Ersetzungen über die GNU-C-Bibliothek-Schnittstelle "
"hinweg vorzunehmen. Der dokumentierte MT-Safety-Status wird unter "
"Gesamtprogramm-Optimierungen nicht garantiert. Funktionen, die in Headern "
"definiert sind, die Benutzern zugänglich sind, wurden allerdings so "
"entworfen, dass sie sicher für Inline-Ersetzungen sind."

#.  ", " AS-Unsafe ", " AC-Unsafe
#. type: TP
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-40 fedora-rawhide
#: mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-15-6 opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "I<MT-Unsafe>"
msgstr "I<MT-Unsafe>"

#.  ", " AS-Unsafe ", " AC-Unsafe
#.  functions are not
#.  safe to call within the safety contexts described above.
#.  Calling them
#.  within such contexts invokes undefined behavior.
#.  Functions not explicitly documented as safe in a safety context should
#.  be regarded as Unsafe.
#.  .TP
#.  .I Preliminary
#.  .I Preliminary
#.  safety properties are documented, indicating these
#.  properties may
#.  .I not
#.  be counted on in future releases of
#.  the GNU C Library.
#.  Such preliminary properties are the result of an assessment of the
#.  properties of our current implementation,
#.  rather than of what is mandated and permitted
#.  by current and future standards.
#.  Although we strive to abide by the standards, in some cases our
#.  implementation is safe even when the standard does not demand safety,
#.  and in other cases our implementation does not meet the standard safety
#.  requirements.
#.  The latter are most likely bugs; the former, when marked
#.  as
#.  .IR Preliminary ,
#.  should not be counted on: future standards may
#.  require changes that are not compatible with the additional safety
#.  properties afforded by the current implementation.
#.  Furthermore,
#.  the POSIX standard does not offer a detailed definition of safety.
#.  We assume that, by "safe to call", POSIX means that,
#.  as long as the program does not invoke undefined behavior,
#.  the "safe to call" function behaves as specified,
#.  and does not cause other functions to deviate from their specified behavior.
#.  We have chosen to use its loose
#.  definitions of safety, not because they are the best definitions to use,
#.  but because choosing them harmonizes this manual with POSIX.
#.  Please keep in mind that these are preliminary definitions and annotations,
#.  and certain aspects of the definitions are still under
#.  discussion and might be subject to clarification or change.
#.  Over time,
#.  we envision evolving the preliminary safety notes into stable commitments,
#.  as stable as those of our interfaces.
#.  As we do, we will remove the
#.  .I Preliminary
#.  keyword from safety notes.
#.  As long as the keyword remains, however,
#.  they are not to be regarded as a promise of future behavior.
#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-40 fedora-rawhide
#: mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-15-6 opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"I<MT-Unsafe> functions are not safe to call in a multithreaded programs."
msgstr ""
"I<MT-Unsafe>-Funktionen können nicht sicher in Programmen mit mehreren "
"Threads aufgerufen werden."

#.  .SS Unsafe features
#.  Functions that are unsafe to call in certain contexts are annotated with
#.  keywords that document their features that make them unsafe to call.
#.  AS-Unsafe features in this section indicate the functions are never safe
#.  to call when asynchronous signals are enabled.
#.  AC-Unsafe features
#.  indicate they are never safe to call when asynchronous cancelation is
#.  .\" enabled.
#.  There are no MT-Unsafe marks in this section.
#.  .TP
#.  .\" .I code
#.  Functions marked with
#.  .I lock
#.  as an AS-Unsafe feature may be
#.  .\" interrupted by a signal while holding a non-recursive lock.
#.  If the signal handler calls another such function that takes the same lock,
#.  the result is a deadlock.
#.  Functions annotated with
#.  .I lock
#.  as an AC-Unsafe feature may, if canceled asynchronously,
#.  fail to release a lock that would have been released if their execution
#.  had not been interrupted by asynchronous thread cancelation.
#.  Once a lock is left taken,
#.  attempts to take that lock will block indefinitely.
#.  .TP
#.  .I corrupt
#.  Functions marked with
#.  .\" .I corrupt
#.  as an AS-Unsafe feature may corrupt
#.  data structures and misbehave when they interrupt,
#.  or are interrupted by, another such function.
#.  Unlike functions marked with
#.  .IR lock ,
#.  these take recursive locks to avoid MT-Safety problems,
#.  but this is not enough to stop a signal handler from observing
#.  a partially-updated data structure.
#.  Further corruption may arise from the interrupted function's
#.  failure to notice updates made by signal handlers.
#.  Functions marked with
#.  .I corrupt
#.  as an AC-Unsafe feature may leave
#.  data structures in a corrupt, partially updated state.
#.  Subsequent uses of the data structure may misbehave.
#.  .\" A special case, probably not worth documenting separately, involves
#.  .\" reallocing, or even freeing pointers.  Any case involving free could
#.  .\" be easily turned into an ac-safe leak by resetting the pointer before
#.  .\" releasing it; I don't think we have any case that calls for this sort
#.  .\" of fixing.  Fixing the realloc cases would require a new interface:
#.  .\" instead of @code{ptr=realloc(ptr,size)} we'd have to introduce
#.  .\" @code{acsafe_realloc(&ptr,size)} that would modify ptr before
#.  .\" releasing the old memory.  The ac-unsafe realloc could be implemented
#.  .\" in terms of an internal interface with this semantics (say
#.  .\" __acsafe_realloc), but since realloc can be overridden, the function
#.  .\" we call to implement realloc should not be this internal interface,
#.  .\" but another internal interface that calls __acsafe_realloc if realloc
#.  .\" was not overridden, and calls the overridden realloc with async
#.  .\" cancel disabled.  --lxoliva
#.  .TP
#.  .I heap
#.  Functions marked with
#.  .I heap
#.  may call heap memory management functions from the
#.  .BR malloc (3)/ free (3)
#.  family of functions and are only as safe as those functions.
#.  This note is thus equivalent to:
#.      | AS-Unsafe lock | AC-Unsafe lock fd mem |
#.  .\" @sampsafety{@asunsafe{@asulock{}}@acunsafe{@aculock{} @acsfd{} 
#.  .\"
#.  .\" Check for cases that should have used plugin instead of or in
#.  .\" addition to this.  Then, after rechecking gettext, adjust i18n if
#.  .\" needed.
#.  .TP
#.  .I dlopen
#.  Functions marked with
#.  .I dlopen
#.  use the dynamic loader to load
#.  shared libraries into the current execution image.
#.  This involves opening files, mapping them into memory,
#.  allocating additional memory, resolving symbols,
#.  applying relocations and more,
#.  all of this while holding internal dynamic loader locks.
#.  The locks are enough for these functions to be AS-Unsafe and AC-Unsafe,
#.  but other issues may arise.
#.  At present this is a placeholder for all
#.  potential safety issues raised by
#.  .BR dlopen (3).
#.  .\" dlopen runs init and fini sections of the module; does this mean
#.  .\" dlopen always implies plugin?
#.  .TP
#.  .I plugin
#.  Functions annotated with
#.  .I plugin
#.  may run code from plugins that
#.  may be external to the GNU C Library.
#.  Such plugin functions are assumed to be
#.  MT-Safe, AS-Unsafe and AC-Unsafe.
#.  Examples of such plugins are stack unwinding libraries,
#.  name service switch (NSS) and character set conversion (iconv) back-ends.
#.  Although the plugins mentioned as examples are all brought in by means
#.  of dlopen, the
#.  .I plugin
#.  keyword does not imply any direct
#.  involvement of the dynamic loader or the
#.  .I libdl
#.  interfaces,
#.  those are covered by
#.  .IR dlopen .
#.  For example, if one function loads a module and finds the addresses
#.  of some of its functions,
#.  while another just calls those already-resolved functions,
#.  the former will be marked with
#.  .IR dlopen ,
#.  whereas the latter will get the
#.  .IR plugin .
#.  When a single function takes all of these actions, then it gets both marks.
#.  .TP
#.  .I i18n
#.  Functions marked with
#.  .I i18n
#.  may call internationalization
#.  functions of the
#.  .BR gettext (3)
#.  family and will be only as safe as those
#.  functions.
#.  This note is thus equivalent to:
#.      | MT-Safe env | AS-Unsafe corrupt heap dlopen | AC-Unsafe corrupt |
#.  .\" @sampsafety{@mtsafe{@mtsenv{}}@asunsafe{@asucorrupt{} @ascuheap{} 
#.  .TP
#.  .I timer
#.  Functions marked with
#.  .I timer
#.  use the
#.  .BR alarm (3)
#.  function or
#.  similar to set a time-out for a system call or a long-running operation.
#.  In a multi-threaded program, there is a risk that the time-out signal
#.  will be delivered to a different thread,
#.  thus failing to interrupt the intended thread.
#.  Besides being MT-Unsafe, such functions are always
#.  AS-Unsafe, because calling them in signal handlers may interfere with
#.  timers set in the interrupted code, and AC-Unsafe,
#.  because there is no safe way to guarantee an earlier timer
#.  will be reset in case of asynchronous cancelation.
#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-40 fedora-rawhide
#: mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-15-6 opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"Other keywords that appear in safety notes are defined in subsequent "
msgstr ""
"Andere Schlüsselwörter, die in den Sicherheitshinweisen auftauchen, sind in "
"nachfolgenden Abschnitten definiert."

#. type: SS
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-40 fedora-rawhide
#: mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-15-6 opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "Conditionally safe features"
msgstr "Bedingt sichere Funktionalitäten"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-40 fedora-rawhide
#: mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-15-6 opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"For some features that make functions unsafe to call in certain contexts, "
"there are known ways to avoid the safety problem other than refraining from "
"calling the function altogether.  The keywords that follow refer to such "
"features, and each of their definitions indicates how the whole program "
"needs to be constrained in order to remove the safety problem indicated by "
"the keyword.  Only when all the reasons that make a function unsafe are "
"observed and addressed, by applying the documented constraints, does the "
"function become safe to call in a context."
msgstr ""
"Für einige Funktionalitäten, die Funktionsaufrufe in bestimmten Kontexten "
"unsicher machen, gibt es bekannte Möglichkeiten, das Sicherheitsproblem zu "
"vermeiden (jenseits vom kompletten Vermeiden des Funktionsaufrufs). Die "
"nachfolgenden Schlüsselwörter beziehen sich auf solche Funktionalitäten und "
"jede ihrer Definitionen zeigt an, wie das gesamte Programm beschränkt werden "
"muss, um dass durch das Schlüsselwort angezeigte Sicherheitsproblem zu "
"entfernen. Nur wenn alle Gründe, die eine Funktion unsicher machen, "
"berücksichtigt und durch die dokumentierten Beschränkungen adressiert "
"werden, kann die Funktion in einem Kontext sicher aufgerufen werden."

#. type: TP
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-40 fedora-rawhide
#: mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-15-6 opensuse-tumbleweed
#, no-wrap
msgid "I<init>"
msgstr "I<init>"

#. type: Plain text
#: archlinux debian-bookworm debian-unstable fedora-40 fedora-rawhide
#: mageia-cauldron opensuse-leap-15-6 opensuse-tumbleweed
msgid ""
"Functions marked with I<init> as an MT-Unsafe feature perform MT-Unsafe "
"initialization when they are first called."
msgstr ""
"Mit I<init> als MT-Unsafe-Funktionalitäten markierte Funktionen führen beim "
"ersten Aufruf MT-Unsafe-Initialisierungen durch."

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