On Wed, Jun 15, 2005 at 04:59:17AM +0000, Brian M. Carlson wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-06-13 at 16:57 +0200, Marco d'Itri wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >I, OTOH, do not believe that this is an unreasonable interpretation
> > >of DFSG 5. Why should you exclude from the Free Software process
> > >people that do not have the money to have proper internet access?
> > Because this is not discriminating, if they care they can find the
> > money, a sponsor or a different way to contribute.
> > It is discrimination only if it relates to an intrinsic quality of an
> > individual or group, like "you cannot use this software if you are
> > black" or "you cannot use this software if you are the military".
> What about "You cannot use this software if you are *in* the military"?
> Military service is not an intrinsic quality of a person, and it would
> not fail DFSG 6 under your strict interpretation, either, because I am
> not prohibiting its use in the military (for example, civilian
> employees, defense contractors, etc. may use the software), but merely
> by military personnel.  But I do not believe that this is a legitimate
> argument.  It is my opinion that the DFSG should be interpreted loosely,
> rather than narrowly, to preserve people's freedoms, even those people I
> abhor.
> If it is your opinion that this theoretical clause should be prohibited,
> where do you draw the line?  What constitutes a group against which we
> must not discriminate, and what does not?  Do dissidents constitute such
> a group?

It's my opinion that this argument is stupid, and the conclusion is
obvious to anyone who wants to actually resolve anything, as opposed
to playing lawyer on a mailing list somewhere.

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