On Sep 09, Itai Zukerman wrote:
> I've come across the following in one file of an otherwise GPL'ed set
> of code:
>   /* simple password generator by XXX
>    * copyright 1991, all rights reserved.
>    * You can use this code as long as my name stays with it.
>    */
> The file builds into a stand-alone utility which is not crucial to the
> package (it just takes a command-line argument and invokes crypt(3),
> displaying the result).
> I'm worried that this file does not satisfy the DFSG.
> Would that restrict me from uploading the entire package source?  Or
> only from including the utility in the binary package?
> If this is a FAQ, then please point me in the right direction.
> Thanks,
> -itai, newbie

The third line seems to indicate that you can use it, so long as you
don't remove XXX's name, so it is DFSG-compliant.  I think.

[CC'd to debian-legal for their opinions]

|        Chris Lawrence        |             The Linux/m68k FAQ             |
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