On Tue, Oct 23, 2001 at 11:04:47AM +0200, Egon Willighagen wrote:
> Is it "legal" to have (I am thinking Java here):
> - A GPL-ed program that uses
>   a LPGL-ed libraries that uses
>   a "Apache Public License"-ed library
> The be precise, i am considering packaging a GPL-ed tool that uses the
> "Chemical Development Kit" [1], which in turn uses Xerces [2]
> and Log4J [3] both released with the APL license.

This is a bad combination for us.

> I've been browsing the debian-legal archives and "read" that this is not mere
> merging and licenses *should* be compatible. But reading the GPL Faq I would 
> say the http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#WritingFSWithNFLibs clause
> would apply:

Note that while that exception allows the GPLed code to be distributed,
independently it doesn't allow the gpl'd code to accompany "the
executable" (of whatever major os component it is that the exception is
being granted against).


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