On Sun, 29 Jun 2003, Baptiste SIMON wrote:

> I'd like to know how debian has relsolved the copyright question. In fact,
> anyone which is releasing his software under something like GPL or LGPL is
> able, if he is still holding the code copyright, to release a next release
> under any other license.

I'm not quite sure the problem you're talking about here.  Could you give a
detailed example of the problem you're referring to?

> I'd like to prevent this kind of problem without giving copyright to FSF
> (because, I'm not the alone on my project).
> I'm interesting about how you've relsolved this problem.

The problem I think you're talking about is:

Author releases version 1 of a program under the GPL.  He decides that he
doesn't like the GPL, and releases version 2 of his program under licence-X
(a DFSG-nonfree licence).

Debian would, most likely, continue code development on the version 1
codebase, under the GPL.  Version 2 would not be packaged (or it might end
up in non-free is someone *really* wanted version 2 features, didn't want to
write them for version 1 themselves, and the licence allowed inclusion in
non-free).  The original author would, most likely, be laughed at.

If the author had accepted patches from others to version 1, he would be
stuck with keeping later versions under the GPL unless he got a licence
change OK'd by each of the contributors, or removed the contributed code. 
Note that, if the code was removed and re-written, the original author would
have to be very careful, because he would be 'tainted' by knowledge of the
original implementation.

If this wasn't the problem you were thinking of, you'll get a much better
answer if you can provide detailed information on the problem, with examples
if possible.

> note: I've not subscribed to your mailing list, so I would be pleased if
> you can add my to Cc:. Thanks in advance.


#include <disclaimer.h>
Matthew Palmer, Geek In Residence

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