On Mon, Jun 30, 2003 at 11:44:06AM +0200, Baptiste SIMON wrote:
> > 1) The copyright holder(s) make(s) a decision to change the licence, and
> > future versions of the software are released under the terms of the new
> > licence;

> we are in this situation... and I want to prevent changin license by
> holder of the copyright. So I'm looking for a solution, giving the
> copyright to something, under some terms, etc...

> Is there any solution ?

Why do you believe you have a right to prevent the copyright holder from
changing the license of future releases?  This is not a prerequisite of
Free Software.  However, once released under a Free license, it is
generally understood that this version of the software will remain Free.
If the laws in your jurisdiction permit a copyright holder to
retroactively terminate a software license, I recommend that you consult
a lawyer together with the copyright holder to draft a contract which
will protect both of your interests.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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