* Nathanael Nerode ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [030829 00:05]:
> Andreas Barth wrote:
> >I don't think it's good manners to try to push a certain view by
> >putting it on the web sites. No, first finish the discussion in d-l,
> >and the you _might_ put additions on the web site. (Though I think
> >it's even then not the right place for that; but that's a different
> >point of view.)

> The discussion *is* finished.

Please allow me three remarks:
1. I always said it's usefull to remove GFDL-invariant/cover texts
   from main. That's _not_ the point of discussion here.
2. It's certainly undue to make such a proposal just a moment before
   the end of a poll. Wait for the poll-result.
3. It's IMHO never good to make any too formal statement in the heat of
   a discussion, if it can be avoided. That's valid for making a DFDG,
   and also for changes of web sites. Settle a discussion first, and
   when everyone has cold blood again, make the official statements.
   (That also means that though I would consider a DFDG usefull, it's
   now not the proper time to make it.)

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