On Wed, Jan 14, 2004 at 11:46:40AM -0700, Barak Pearlmutter wrote:
> Given the intransigence at the other end, and the clarity of the
> situation, shouldn't this issue be bumped over to SPI?  It seems like
> it is part of SPI's mandate to arrange for lawyers to send threatening
> letters and to follow up on them as appropriate.

Thanks for following up on this.

I forwarded this to spi-trademark when it came up and all comments
were in favor of following this up.

I've forwarded this mini-thread over to spi-trademark now so we can
discuss it.

I think this may be complicated by the fact that it's the logo and not
the name that's been used. Using the Debian name is a much more clear
case it seems. In any case, I'll keep this list updated on any
movement in this regards.


Benjamin Mako Hill

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