Dear Dr. Rutschmann,

You recently mentioned on debian-legal, concerning a package for EEG
data processing,

> The software is totally under GPL but ships with a graphical
> head-model that is confined to the use with tempo itself. (And this
> model is needed)

May I ask what kind of a head model this is, exactly, and what
requirements a replacement would have to meet?  I'm involved with
EEG/MEG/FMRI, and it is possible we could round up a suitable dataset
and massage as appropriate.

(Eg: MRI-based anatomy converted to 10000 triangle finite element
model with co-registered EEG electrodes in standard 10-20 positions
along with the most common fiduciary points.)

Suggestion: in the meantime, how about just shipping it with a simple
three-layer spherical head model?  Even if you add a fancier model
later, it is nice to have a spherical head model available for making
standard-looking figures, for comparison, and for replication.
Barak A. Pearlmutter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Hamilton Institute, NUI Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland

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