On Wed, Apr 28, 2004 at 03:05:53PM -0600, Benjamin Cutler wrote:
> with Debian because of the first license, but I'm wondering if anybody 
> has any advice on if this is the sort of issue that we could "dance 
> around", though I'm guessing it's not. Barring that, is there any way of 

I'm very sure your guess is correct.  Sorry.  :)

> The original downloads came from http://www2.ravensoft.com/source/, but 
> the package I'm interested in is a heavily modified version of it.

This is why I became interested in understanding licenses to begin with:
so I can make reasonable evaluations of them before spending time coding.

It doesn't look like either of the two licenses are redistributable, even
in non-free.  Neither gives permission to redistribute, though it seems
that they may have intended to in the second license.

Glenn Maynard

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