On Fri, Jul 23, 2004 at 09:28:37PM -0400, Brian Thomas Sniffen wrote:
> Nevertheless, I've refrained from posting further directly on the QPL
> issue.  The consensus of debian-legal seems to be evolving in more
> clever directions than I would have imagined, and I don't think my
> absence from that particular issue will hurt anything.  If it helps
> maintain good relations with the package maintainer, I don't really
> see any immediate harm.

I do.  You have useful input to offer.  There are no good relations to
maintain; Sven is abusive to everyone, and there's nothing to be saved
by your withdrawal.  I also don't think useful participants withdrawing
from discussions at request for reasons that seem like "your arguments
are more convincing than mine" to be a useful standard to follow.  (The
situation might be slightly different when there are potentially significant
inter-project relations at stake--I felt that RMS requesting that Branden
withdraw from the GFDL debate (IIRC) was in the same category--but there

Of course, if you just don't want to put up with the abuse, that's fine; I've
mostly stopped reading his posts myself for that reason (among others).

Glenn Maynard

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