On 2004-07-28 03:35:31 +0100 David Nusinow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

1) MJ Ray has suggested doing more work with people in the NM queue. [...]

As should be obvious, I don't understand the NM black box. How would we do this?

2) Steve McIntyre has continually suggested codifying [...]

I agree with others that this is dangerous and likely to weaken the guidelines in nearly all cases.

3) As I stated earlier, I liked the news post to DWN. Keep those up [...]

DWN is too difficult/demoralising for me and I'm used to rejections from real news mags. "bad news" like the premature MPL draft summary are included quickly, while -legal successes like the LPPL aren't reported. It's all well and good inviting contributions, but I don't even know whether my contributions got there or whether I should resend. There's easier stuff to do than spend time shouting into a black hole.

4) Announce major changes to things to -devel-announce. [...]

This is a better idea, if summarisers are willing.

If a major license is declared as non-free, [...]

Ewww ;-)

If you don't
like this and would rather rant and talk in circles [...]

Please refrain from false alternatives. We can dislike your suggestions and still not prefer to rant.

MJR/slef    My Opinion Only and not of any group I know
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