On Fri, Aug 20, 2004 at 12:15:15AM +0100, Matthew Garrett wrote:
> No, I really am lost here. Is your argument:
> a) compulsion of provision of freedoms (as in the GPL, for instance) is
> non-free, or
> b) compulsion of provision one set of freedoms to some people and a
> different set to others is non-free

More specifically, b) one set of freedoms to everyone and an extra set to a
subset.  (Exclusive sets--one license to teachers, another license to
everyone else, no overlap--is a different and stranger issue, one which
has been pondered here in passing but never seriously discussed.)

I think b) is only non-free if I'm required to grant freedoms to one or
the other group that I wasn't granted myself, such that I'm required to
redistribute derived works under different terms than those I received
myself; DSFG#3.

Glenn Maynard

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