On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 11:19:27AM +0100, Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS wrote:
> > The license is binding on the licensee,
> Not in the same way, assuming it really is a licence, rather than a
> contract.

Maybe; if I modify software and distribute the result, and I misunderstand
the license, I can still be up an unpleasant creek (though not as bad as
if I violated the license intentionally).

> > who should not have to be bound
> > by a text in a language that they don't understand properly.
> > (The only solution available to me, in that situation, is to not touch the
> > software.)
> Then you have a solution. Use it. But please don't try to force your
> solution on other people who may be perfectly happy, or even happier,
> with a licence in French.

I don't think "just don't use the software" is an acceptable "solution".

Glenn Maynard

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