Andrew Suffield writes:
>On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 05:56:54PM +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:
>> Thanks. Written in your typical patronising fashion, of course. That's
>> half the reason why a lot of people don't/won't take part in
>> discussions here.
>Unsubstiantiated assertion. Also unlikely, and a cheap attempt at
>dismissing a point without answering it, and an inexplicable use of
>"patronising"; I suggest you consult a dictionary. I'm not sure what
>you think it means, but it makes no sense here.

2 for 2. Well done, Andrew. You didn't let me down at all.

>I see no connection between this paragraph and the real world. Most of
>the people on -legal who participate in the important stuff are also
>critically short of time and tend to skip over useless threads. Most
>of the useless threads are the responsibility of "outsiders" who just
>won't listen, and who would rather argue a point than do anything
>about it (even when action is easier than arguing about it). So if we
>assume the rest of your argument holds true, the most you can say
>about that is that they're a (perhaps unintentional) effort to
>sabotage the work of -legal.

Simple question: what do you think _is_ the "work of -legal"?

>"Extreme views" here is a meaningless term and an tasteless attempt at
>demagoguery. I've tolerated it this far, but enough is enough; please
>grow some manners. The validity of a viewpoint is not determined by
>how close it comes to some end of an arbitrary scale.

Manners? From you? Ha!

>Why do you *think* we always tend towards the paranoid viewpoint? You
>seem to be arguing at cross-purposes with yourself now; the objection
>is that we classify too much as non-free or non-distributable, and yet
>you argue that our approach is invalid because we might accept
>something as free that we *shouldn't*?

So, at what point does it end? I've seen people seriously (I assume)
suggesting here in the last few weeks that they variously don't
consider the GPL, the BSD or MIT licenses free. If we're going to be
that paranoid, why bother playing this game any more? If you take that
attitude, we've lost already.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We don't need no education.
We don't need no thought control.

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