On Mon, Sep 06, 2004 at 07:46:23PM +0100, Henning Makholm wrote:
> Scripsit Pierre Chifflier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Here is his answer:
> > =====
> > This license is GPL for all platform with GPL-ed version of QT include
> > Linux, so the license for the Debian will be GPL as well.
> > If I made it not clear, please let me know what I need to change in the
> > license and I'll do it.
> I doubt this enough; it sounds awfully like a license specific to
> Debian.
> In order to be free by virtue by GPL, the GPL-ness must *not* be
> restricted by platform. It must be possible for a user to port the
> code to another (GPL-compatible) user interface toolkit than Qt and
> use it under GPL no matter whether Qt is available at all for the
> platform in question.

I know the license must not be specific to debian, and this is *not*
what he said.
In fact the author applied the same kind of license than Qt does:
linux (and ALL other distros than debian also) -> GPL
windows: do we care here ? (the answer anyway is: redistribution
permitted, under some restrictions).

The author also added the GPL mention that was missing on some files.

As long as the license is not debian specific and is GPL, and that
this kind of license is already used by other debian packages I see no
objections on this package.

Sven Luther wrote:

> Mmm, now he can get the GPLed version, and compile it against a QPLed
> version of Qt, and distribute the result ?




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