On Mon, Sep 06, 2004 at 08:05:24PM +0100, Henning Makholm wrote:
> > and that this kind of license is already used by other debian
> > packages
> Which packages? If that is true, bugs should be filed and packages
> moved to non-free, preferrably before sarge releases if at all
> possible.

lincvs. Which has been accepted a long time ago into main.

But please consider the fact that the author acts in good faith and
has made efforts to adapt the license. It would be a good things to
propose him some changes on the license so it can be acceptable here.
According to his last reply, he would be ready to make some changes.

The author is also looking at other license like the one for 'psi',
which has an exception for the Commercial version of Qt.

I really hope we will not go into a license war, and thanks all
people here for their help :)



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