Raul Miller wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 21, 2004 at 04:32:17PM -0400, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
>> Well, then the question is, is that combined program a derived work of
>> the GPLed program?
>> If it consists of two pieces: the GPLed program and the OpenSSL library
>> -- and each exists and is fully functional without the other -- and
>> neither is a derived work of the other --
>> Then in that case we don't have a derived work, we have an aggregated
>> work or a collected work or some such.
> I'm not sure where you're going with this.
> Would you claim that copyright holders do not have the right to determine
> whether or not a collected work includes their copyrighted material?

> If not, would you claim that in the absence of an explicit license to
> incorporate that copyrighted material in that collected work, that the
> collected work may legally include the material?

> If you're not claiming either of these, are you claiming that the GPL's
> "mere aggregation" clause is intended to cover cases where the collective
> pieces are designed to work together as a Program?

Yes.  Or at any rate where they can work together as a program, through
freely implementable interfaces.  (If they are 'designed to work together'
in such a way that they aren't cleanly separable, then the conditions I
suggested do not apply, of course.)

Consider bash + script X + glibc -- this is mere aggregation.

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