Anthony DeRobertis wrote:
> The Project essentially told us our conclusion — the GFDL is not free —
> is wrong in the case where there are no invariant sections. The Project
> did not tell us why. There are several ways we can take this:
>    1. The Project intends this to be a one-time thing, applying only to
>       the GFDL: No effect on future judgements of licenses is intended.
>       I don't believe this is a valid interpretation of the GR as that'd
>       require a 3:1 supermajority to achieve (just like Amendment B),
>       and the ballot option did not require that.

I believe this is a perfectly valid interpretation of the GR.  The GR
made no statement on the DFSG-freeness of any license other than the
GFDL, and I see no good reason why we should extrapolate it.  Let those
who desire more permissive interpretations argue those interpretations
and/or pass GRs; let's not play devil's advocate and argue their points
for them.

>    2. The Project intends us to change how we interpret licences as they
>       believe we have come to an incorrect conclusion. I believe this is
>       the correct way to understand and act on the GR.

I don't see how this can be read from the GR.  A plurality of the
Project has stated that the GFDL is DFSG-free.  I don't believe we
should take this as a reason to change our interpretations of other
licenses as well, nor do I believe that we should attempt to guess the
*intent* of the Project, particularly since such intent may vary greatly
between various developers.

To use the mathematical hyperbole: just because the project has
legislated pi=3.14 doesn't mean we should start arguing e=2.72 and
sqrt(2)=1.41 for them.

- Josh Triplett

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