On Tue, 2007-30-01 at 08:59 +1100, Ben Finney wrote:

> The point is that the recipient isn't getting the "preferred form of
> the work for making modifications to it" and can't therefore fulfil
> the terms of the GPL when distributing the work.

It's obvious that some transformations are acceptable for distributing
source code. I assume that lossless compression like zip or gzip is OK,
right? As well as conversion of character codes (ASCII -> Unicode)? DOS
line endings to Mac- or Unix-style line endings?

I know that stripping whitespace from the source code is a step beyond
this -- it _is_ lossy -- but it's not _too_ far off. The re-indented
code isn't fun to edit, but it's definitely possible to do.

I think if someone was being extra-careful, they'd avoid
re-distributing, but if it were me I'd avoid loaded statements like "no
true source" or accusations that upstream was distributing spyware.


Evan Prodromou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Debian Project (http://www.debian.org/)

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