On Tue, 13 Mar 2007 00:51:55 -0700 (PDT) Ken Arromdee wrote:

> On Mon, 12 Mar 2007, Francesco Poli wrote:
> > Anyway, whenever some form of a work is the preferred one for
> > modifications (i.e.: source form), but, at the same time, is
> > inconvenient to distribute, well, the work is inconvenient to
> > distribute in a Free manner!  This is an unfortunate technical
> > obstacle to freeing works and should be removed by technology
> > improvements: we should not surrender and lower our freeness
> > standards in order to accept sourceless works as if they were Free.
> That's not a technical obstacle, that's a "we're stupid to recommend
> that the author do something horribly inconvenient" obstacle.

Maybe we are stupid to promote Free Software, then...
I prefer being a stupid Free Software supporter, than being a smart
proprietary software advocate.

> If the
> work is inconvenient to distribute free, then we should be telling the
> author "distributing it free is probably not what you want to do".

I don't think the Debian Project (or debian-legal contributors) should
promote non-free software.

> Besides, the DFSG don't define source code as the preferred form for
> modification.

I am not aware of any better and more widely accepted definition.

 Need to read a Debian etch installation walk-through?
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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