On Mon, 2 Apr 2007 21:50:12 -0400 Joe Smith wrote:

> I think most courts do not rule on uncontested fact. This clause is
> probably  intended to
> prevent EvilCorp(TM) from claiming that the work falls into that
> class. The  other party
> is unlikely to contest that, claiming the work does fall into that
> class, as  that could
> only hurt said other party.

I'm not sure I follow your reasoning, sorry.
Anyway, as I stated, what concerns me is that declaring a fact as true
in a license does not make it magically true.  It could instead prevent
the adoption of the license for some works, or, at any rate, become
problematic in some scenarios...

> I think this stems from source code not requireing a patent license.
> So if the source code is available, the patent can be bypassed by
> having the  consumer
> download and compile the code themselves. Of course all of this can
> only  protrect the downstream
> consumer if the compiled binaries are not being passed around.

Hence, with this kind of "protection from patents" we lose the
permission to distribute binaries!  It does not look as a good enough
protection, then...

 Need to read a Debian etch installation walk-through?
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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