On Tue,  5 Jun 2007 12:10:36 +0100 (BST) MJ Ray wrote:

> Jordi Gutierrez Hermoso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: [...]
> Not even RMS or the FSF calls the FDL a Free Software licence.

Indeed: see the last sentence of

> > [...]
> >      FSF: Er... Maybe we can work something out?
> > 
> >      Debian: What? Wait, I'm busy... There! Your filthy propaganda
> >      has been moved to non-free. [...]
> This is wrong.  Debian delayed moving FDL'd stuff to non-free for over
> a year after the problem was noticed, waiting on promised FSF
> cooperation. I think a full release went out in the meantime.


Long-lasting debian-legal discussions about the GFDL went on during
They were basically over in 2004.
Manoj Srivastava's proposed statement was drafted more or less in that
period, IIRC:

The Debian Social Contract was edited in 2004, in order to make it
clearer that not only programs had to be free:
Then the new amended SC text was postponed until the release of sarge:
All non-free documentation bugs were granted a sarge-ignore tag.
After sarge release (6th of June, 2005:
http://www.debian.org/releases/sarge/), the non-free documentation bugs
slowly started to be addressed.

> As I
> understand it, it was FSF asking us to wait because they were busy
> with things and then the GPLv3.
> I think the Debian project was more than willing to help resolve this
> amicably, but FSF seemed determined to keep the non-free-software
> aspects of FDL and was just yanking our chain.

In some cases, Debian was even told to stop helping:

> Even then, some FDL'd
> material got a special approval into main.

With an unexplained GR:

 * this is how I recall things, correct me if I'm wrong

 Need to read a Debian testing installation walk-through?
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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