Ricardo Yanez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been approached by what seems to be an attorney from a Chilean NGO
> called "Derechos Digitales" (http://www.derechosdigitales.org/), pointing
> out that a financial newspaper called "Diario Financiero"
> (http://www.elfinanciero.cl/) is using the Debian swirl logo illegally.

Where is the swirl?  Can someone put up a screenshot or scan of it, please?

> He wants to represent Debian in some sort of legal action.
> Is this something Debian pursues?

I think the answer is 'it depends'.  It sounds like the trademark is not
infringed in this case (it's not even about software), so that leaves
the copyright, perhaps.  It has been claimed that the swirl is not very
difficult to create independently, so this may not be worth pursuing.
If it was used about software, or they'd used the Official Use (bottle)
logo, that would be more likely to be chased IMO.

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