On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 10:09:09 +0100 Arnoud Engelfriet wrote:

> A tricky case could be a use of the work that the author absolutely
> doesn't want to be associated with. What if some right-wing
> extremists use your forum software to discuss their racist plans?
> Your name could then be associated with those people. I can imagine
> some authors not liking that. This could give them a cause of action
> under moral rights.

I hope judges are reasonable enough to understand that the name of the
forum program author does *not* get automatically associated with the
forum program users or their discussion topics (unless there exist other
connections, besides and beyond the above described one...).

Likewise, I don't think that the name of Linus Torvalds gets associated
with pedophiles, just because some of them may happen to be Linux users.
Or with People's Republic of China government, just because it supports
and uses Red Flag Linux.  And so forth...

Otherwise, if moral rights are *that* restrictive, it may be
*impossible* (for software developed in jurisdictions with so strong
moral rights) to really comply with DFSG#5 and DFSG#6, since, despite
whatever the license may state, users are anyway risking to be sued by
authors who don't like them or their field of endeavor (and lose the

 Need to read a Debian testing installation walk-through?
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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