> > 
> > I am one of the developer of Scilab. We are rewriting the GUI from
> > scratch using Java (Swing) and JOGL.
> > Since we prefer to have Scilab packages available (especially because
> > Scilab is going to change his  license to a free one),
> That's really good news!
> Which license are you considering to switch to?
It is probably going to be CECILL.

> Firstoff, from a technical point of view, shipping the *exact same code*
> in two different packages does not seem to be a good idea.
> Could this duplication of code be avoided?
> Is it possible to link or otherwise use the code included in the mesa
> package, rather than packaging another copy of it?
Well, it is the exact same code (ie not rewrote) but in Java... and I
think JOGL devs prefer to avoid JNI code.

> Anyway, from a DFSG-freeness point of view, that license is indeed
> problematic: see http://bugs.debian.org/368560 for the details.
> Unfortunately, there seems to have been too little progress on this bug
> so far.
Do you know if anyone contacted the owner of the code ?
Or if anything is planned to fix this issue ?


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