On Tue, 19 Aug 2008 07:38:26 -0400 Arc Riley wrote:

[On Tue, 19 Aug 2008 09:45:18 +0100 MJ Ray wrote:]
> > Free (as in cost) code hosting services do not offer guarantees of
> > availability or longevity, so the user must still host their own copy
> > too, else the C.Source may not be available when it is requested.
> There's no guarentees on any server, but a popular free VCS service is
> undoubtedly more reliable than what most people could provide with their own
> servers.

But there's a significant difference in reliability when the
Corresponding Source is hosted on the *same* server where the
AfferoGPLv3'ed program is running on: if that server is down, no Source
distribution will be performed, but no remote interaction with the
program will happen either...

This reasoning does not hold when the Corresponding Source is hosted on
a public hosting service, while the AfferoGPLv3'ed program runs

 The nano-document series is here!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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