On Tue, 02 Dec 2008 22:08:24 +0100 Florian Weimer wrote:

> * Miriam Ruiz:
> > We should somehow tag those conflictive licenses with debtags, so that
> > users can filter out the ones they don't wont easily. I don't object
> > to having AGPL in Debian, but I don't plan to install anything under
> > that license in my system, and AFAIK there are other people in the
> > same situation as I. This wouldn't hurt those who consider if free,
> > but at the same time would allow us to filter them out easily.
> Sure, and with the GFDL, it might be the other way round.

I don't think a select-which-licenses-you-like-or-don't-like approach
could really work for the end user.

A user could easily reject packages licensed under terms he/she doesn't
consider Free (or just doesn't like), but there's no guarantee that the
resulting archive (that is to say: main minus packages under license L)
would be self-contained.  After dropping packages under license L, many
other packages could become uninstallable due to dependencies, or even
FTBFS due to build-dependencies (and the latter is not easily
detected by end users!).
Moreover, what if some essential/priority:required package is under
license L?

I am convinced that the DFSG-free/non-free distinction has to be worked
out Project-wide, rather than on a per-user basis.

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..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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