
On Sun, 18 Jan 2009 13:49:35 +0100, Mark Weyer wrote:

> What I am looking for:
> - Copyleft with source requirement, but should not contaminate other
>   software.
> - No additional burden on anyone. In particular no requirements for
>   derivatives to advertize, to not advertize, to follow some naming
>   convention, or to convey source code at runtime.
> - No distinction between programs, libraries, images, scripts,
>   documentation, or whatever.
>   Formulations should equally apply to all sorts of software.
>   The only distinction should be source vs. non-source.
> - Oh, and of course it should be DFSG-free.
> Also, I am very sceptical about patent retaliation clauses.

What about a BSD-like license [0], or also the MIT/X11 license [1]?

[0] /usr/share/common-licenses/BSD -- obviously change "The Regents of the
University of California" (and all references to the University) to your

[1] http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

Both seem to conform to your requirements, if I'm not mistaken.


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