On Sat, 2 Jan 2010 12:28:32 -0800 Sean Kellogg wrote:

> [dropping pkg-boinc-de...@lists.alioth.debian.org as I don't think they care 
> about this...]

[Yes, I agree.]
[Please also avoid Cc:ing me, since I am subscribed to debian-legal...]
[While you are at it, could you please set a sane wrap value?  Long
lines in your e-mail messages are unpractical to read on web archives
and to reply to...]

> On Saturday 02 January 2010 10:38:52 am Francesco Poli wrote:
> > I re-iterate: how can policy or practice be refined or discussed, if
> > *any* disagreement is banned from Debian mailing lists?
> > 
> > Moreover, in the present case, I think that I honestly stated that the
> > DFSG-freeness of choice of venue clauses is controversial and then I
> > provided my own personal opinion, *explicitly* labeling it as such.
> > I don't remember any clear decision by the Debian Project on this
> > matter, otherwise I would have cited it (as I often do with the GR on
> > the GFDL, for instance).
> The problem with this line of argument is that it sounds very similar
> to the climate skeptics / intelligent design crowd. The approach seems
> to be, "continue to inject controversy even when there is community
> consensus, in hopes of giving the appearance of true division."

I don't think this comparison is fair.
IMHO, there's much more uncertainty in DFSG interpretation and license
clause effect prediction, than in validation of scientific theories.

Also, my goal is not to "inject controversy".
I just express my opinion, in the sincere hope that it can help in
enhancing Debian.  When decision-makers disagree with me, I still hope
I can persuade them to change their minds.  Whenever I am *aware* that
my opinion is not in line with the official position of the Debian
Project, I try to explicitly point this out.

 Need some pdebuild hook scripts?
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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